Name: Marc Kinseth
Company/Position: Sun Mechanical Contracting, Inc./President
In my role as President, I am responsible for the oversight of all aspects of the company, including financials, construction, service, quality control, safety, marketing, and most important to me is employee gratification. Finally, and probably the hardest thing for me is to stay out of the way of the great staff we have and let them do their jobs.
I just love to see things get built from the ground up and to have the satisfaction that our team was somehow involved in that project. That started when I was kid – I was always the kid hanging around the new house being built. I would pick up all of the small wood blocks and the nails laying around hoping that the carpenter would let me take them home to make something. After 40-something years of working in the construction industry, I still love to see how things go together.
I first became involved with the ABA when I came to Tucson in 2005. Sun Mechanical was already a member at the time. My father was actually the president of the ABC organization back in Iowa back in the 70’s and 80’s. Out of college, I joined a mechanical firm with a union affiliation that had a separate trade organization I was involved with. It had very similar involvement in politics and contractor advancement, with different challenges and viewpoints.
The ABA has so many benefits. The educational aspect for our employees is very good. The political involvement with state government is tremendous. As always, the camaraderie with other contractors and vendors is priceless. It’s nice to hear that others have the same challenges, whether they be in the same trade or not. It’s also nice to see your peers in an environment where they are relaxed and can let their hair down. Finally, the continued community involvement that ABA promotes is always a feel-good moment for me.
Personally, I have been married to my lovely wife for more than 25 years. We have two children that have gotten or are working on their college degrees at The University of Arizona. Kind of a personal/professional achievement is to have been able to assemble a very hard-working and talented staff that gives me the peace of mind to get away more often to do the outdoor activities I enjoy.
I have recently gotten back into one of my childhood loves and that is fishing. When my kids were younger we were so involved in football, theater, softball, and volleyball, that we never had time to just go fishing. In my mind, it’s not how many fish you catch, it’s just being out there in nature and relaxing. I have had the opportunity to go on fishing trips to many beautiful places, but there are so many more places I want to try out. I also dabble at golf, but as many people who have golfed with me before will tell you, I am more concerned with where the drink cart is than what score I had on the last hole!
As I have always told my kids, if you show up early for work and do a good job, the rewards will come and you will have gained the respect of your boss. The same goes for running a business – if you do a quality job on time, the owner or contractor is going to respect you.